Winter Men’s Conference 2020

Men from Christ Redeemer Church in Hanover, Christ Restoration Church in New London, and The Quechee Church, as well as from several other local churches, gathered together for a retreat at Singing Hills from January 31st to February 1st. The retreat theme was “Relationships 101: Working on Our Most Important Work.” The men enjoyed talks from Pastor Don Willeman and breakout sessions featuring various speakers, as well as time for discussion, fun, and fellowship. We all came away from the retreat not only encouraged by the content but also by the opportunity to get to practice some of what we heard by getting to know one another better!
“This year the Men’s Conference was much like past years. You go expecting the same thing year after year and then God throws bombs at you that you didn’t expect ultimately causing you to sit up a little straighter and pay attention or maybe slump down to sink out of sight for a moment. Either way, you know Jesus is present and working, speaking to every heart. Each year, I come away knowing myself a little better and, more importantly, knowing Jesus deeper, thereby knowing my brothers better as well. Relationships all possess a common thread; they matter. Relationships are a reflection of your heart and therefore provide a great way to glorify God. They are no small task among the many struggles we face daily, I am happy I do not have to go it alone!”
~Jim Mauchly
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