Join us for Worship

10:00 am 

at Hanover High School

The Call of Wisdom

Trusting & Walking with God in Every Day Life

CRC is hiring!

Christ Redeemer Church is a place for the spiritually-hungry to discover, learn and grow in a relationship with God. Whether you are a committed follower of Jesus or just investigating, there’s a place for you to belong and serve at CRC.

10:00 am
Join us each Sunday for worship
at Hanover High School
(41 Lebanon Street, Hanover). More info...
CRC exists to honor God by fostering a movement of Christ’s Kingdom in the Upper Valley, and through the Upper Valley, the world. Read more...
At CRC we welcome people from every background and every stage in their journey with Christ. Wherever you might find yourself, there is a place for you at CRC. More info...

Recent Sermons

Learn more about our Proverbs Sermon Series