Our Vision
CRC’s Children’s Ministry exists to see God honored as children and families are formed and renewed by the gospel through multigenerational life-on-life discipleship that transforms the Upper Valley community and, through the Upper Valley, the next generation of the world.
Our Mission
To nurture families and children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4) by teaching them the gospel from the Word of God through Children’s Church, Sunday School, and other programs and opportunities in and through the church.
Children's Church
CRC is committed to providing a Children’s Church program for age-appropriate ministering of the gospel. We offer Nursery, Preschool Church, and Junior Church during our Sunday worship service.
Classes are available for infants through 2nd Graders.
Please check your children in with the Childcare Supervisor when you arrive for the service.
Nursery (infants & toddlers) is available for the whole service.
Preschool Church (3-5 year old) and Junior Church (Kindergarteners & 2nd Graders) begins during the brief break prior to the sermon. In these classes, children are hearing the stories of God’s Word from The Jesus Storybook Bible and The Gospel Story Bible and doing activities that help reinforce the lesson.
Your children are also welcome to remain in the worship service if you wish.
Please check your children in with the Childcare Supervisor when you arrive for the service.
Nursery (infants & toddlers) is available for the whole service.
Preschool Church (3-5 year old) and Junior Church (Kindergarteners & 2nd Graders) begins during the brief break prior to the sermon. In these classes, children are hearing the stories of God’s Word from The Jesus Storybook Bible and The Gospel Story Bible and doing activities that help reinforce the lesson.
Your children are also welcome to remain in the worship service if you wish.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes are available for most of the school year for children, youth and adults. For more information about Sunday School classes, visit the Sunday School page.
Childcare Policies
The goal of CRC's Childcare Policies is to maintain a safe environment for children and those responsible for them. These policies aim to keep our church community above reproach, normalize safe behavior, and protect the vulnerable. Our childcare brochure summarizes our policies and is available either at the childcare check-in table at our worship service or by clicking the link below.
For any children's ministry related questions, please contact the church office.

Other Opportunities for Children
Children's Christmas Program
Summer Celebration Camp
At CRC, one of our favorite Christmas traditions is the Children's Christmas Program which children preform the Sunday before Christmas. You can see photos from our recent Christmas Programs below!
Each July, CRC holds Summer Celebration Camp for 4-year-olds through 5th graders! You can see blog posts from our last few SCC weeks below!
Children's Christmas Program 2023
December 21st, 2023
On December 17th, we opened our worship service with our annual Children's Christmas Program. In addition to creating a live nativity, a significant number of children memorized Scripture passages to recite throughout the program.Special thanks to Dori and Donna-Lee for orchestrating this great Christmas tradition for us!......
Christmas Program 2022
December 20th, 2022
On December 19th, we had the joy of starting off our service with our annual Children's Christmas Program. Many of the children memorized Scripture which they recited prior to inviting all the shepherds, angels, and manger animals down to the stage. Enjoy some photos of the morning below!......
Christmas Program 2021
December 23rd, 2021
We were very excited to resume our in-person Children's Christmas Program this year! After the older children read about the Christmas story, Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, three wise man, animals and, of course, the star, joined the service while the congregation sang Christmas carols.Special thanks to Dori Willeman for organizing the morning and to all the parents who helped make this traditio...
Summer Celebration Camp 2024
August 6th, 2024
Our 2024 Summer Celebration Camp was a blast! From opening and closing programs full of singing, competitions and shenanigans to snack, craft, rec and Bible lessons, we all had a great time!Our theme verse was Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You." Special thanks to all those who helped make this week a success!......
Summer Celebration Camp 2023
July 21st, 2023
Our regular venue wasn’t available this year, but we pulled through, partnering with Providence Presbyterian Church and hosting over 50 kids and 30 volunteers! Our child to volunteer ratio made for some really intentional and fun discipleship during the week as we blasted off into space and had a Stellar time shining Jesus’ light.Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light! That was our theme this year as we expl...
Summer Celebration Camp 2022
July 20th, 2022
After a 2 year hiatus during covid, Summer Celebration Camp was back on Tuesday, July 12th through Friday, July 15th. Nearly 70 kids joined us for a week of fun and learning.The theme was Spark Studios: where imagination is ignited and creativity is awakened! Children explored the workmanship of God in the world and how to use their talents to bring glory to God by studying Ephesians 2:10 and the...
Other Resources
Book Recommendations for Families
For a list of suggested books and devotionals for children and families, visit our Recommended Reading page.