Women's Retreat 2016
The 2016 Spring Women’s Retreat was held at Pilgrim Pines Conference Center in Swanzey, New Hampshire. Over 80 women from Christ Redeemer Church, Christ Redeemer Church in Sunapee, and Christ Proclamation Church in Connecticut gathered for an encouraging time enjoying fellowship, God’s creation and a challenging message from our speaker, Kellie Sironi on “Cultivating a Quiet Heart.” A special prayer chapel was set up for the entire weekend as a space to leave prayer requests and spend time in personal prayer and reflection. Below you will find personal reflections about the retreat by some of the women who attended, followed by photos from the weekend. Unfortunately, audio recordings of the talks are not available.
“Spending time diving deeper into God’s Word with other sisters in Christ was precious and renewing. There is something life-giving about retreating from the distractions of our busy lives to nurture our hearts with other women of God. As a new member of CRC, I enjoyed the opportunity to meet new friends in the CRC community and talk about deeper heart issues. I would encourage every woman to attend!”
~Rachel Latario
~Rachel Latario
“I came away from the women’s retreat refreshed and rejuvenated, energized in my faith and eager to be drawing nearer to God. The fellowship was sweet, and the teaching solid. I was particularly struck by Kellie’s comments on God’s goodness — which is something that I believe intellectually but struggle to believe emotionally. I was reminded yet again that we can be confident that God is good, that He loves us unfathomably, impossibly, with a love so rich and deep that it makes my love for my own child look like evil in comparison. The cross is our ultimate proof of God’s goodness and love!”
~Alexandra Audu
~Alexandra Audu
“The women’s retreat was a wonderful opportunity to break away from the everyday busyness of life and reflect on the attitude of our hearts. Kellie Sironi was very engaging as she spoke on how we can quiet our hearts (Psalm 16) and what often gets in the way. It was a place where we could share safely or meditate quietly, where we were encouraged to spend time with the Lord and focus on His Kingdom (and not “my kingdom”). The small group sessions allowed us to engage in a deeper way than is possible on a Sunday morning and to come together before the Lord in our rejoicing, our petitions, and our brokenness. Dori Willeman’s teaching on developing Godly convictions was also a blessing in having us focus on being grounded in the Word of God in determining how to distinguish between Biblical truths and other facts from world experience that guide our thinking. There is much more to say about the edifying meal time discussions, joyful singing, times of personal quietness… I’ll end with a profound “Thank You!” to all those who created this atmosphere of love and learning – and in such a beautiful environment!”
~Ronnie Baard
~Ronnie Baard
“I was really looking forward to going to the CRC Women’s Retreat this year since it was my first one. The Pilgrim Pines Conference Center was a beautiful location on a lake. The staff were Christians which made it very special. They were kind and very helpful. The speaker was Kellie Sironi who spoke on cultivating a quiet heart. It was very encouraging and left me with questioning where my own heart is! I must say that my most moving time was hearing from the two women that gave their testimonies. I was so affected by their stories, knowing that it was heartrending for them. I know that we are all broken and go through hard times, but it was so inspiring to hear other women’s struggles and to see how God has worked in their lives. The campfire was another relaxing and fun time meeting new people and old friends. Thank you to all the team that made this happen. It sure was a blessing to me.”
~Betsy Herder
~Betsy Herder
This was the most refreshing retreat I have had in a long time. The natural setting was serene, the prayer chapel was a sanctuary for me, and as always, I find women ready to dive into deep conversations about the gospel in our lives- much more so than in any other setting. The way I come to understand God at work in my life and in the lives of those around me is the most valuable part of the retreat for me every year! Thanks everyone for sharing in the work, rest, friendship, and joy that make up this event every year!
~Amy Chan
~Amy Chan

The Sunday following the retreat, Jessie Whitman shared some reflections from the time. To hear her share, click here.